Sunday, February 9, 2020


     The Asia Area Presidency, in partnership with the First Presidency, decided to temporarily close the China Hong Kong Mission.  We received the news February 5th and departed February 6th.  Our apartments remain on lease and we expect to return as soon as entrance is deemed safe.

     We immediately began our 14 days of isolation at home.  Thankfully, our tech miracle workers prepared our computers for this "adventure" and we can both work from home.  Our parting gift from the office was a package of masks.  When we are outside our home - which is seldom - we don one of these beauties to keep all of us safe.

     Our return date to Asia is unclear.  We are still set-apart missionaries and continue in our labors.  This too shall pass.  I'll keep you posted.  No pictures this week as we both look scary traveling when we find it impossible to sleep on a 13 hour flight.  Photos that frightening should only be displayed for Halloween.