May 26, 2024
Driving: new territory
Today is my
brother’s birthday. This photo was taken
in 2010 with Kevin, his daughters Jessica, Janeal, and wife Debbie. He passed unexpectantly in 2016. He’s still loved and missed. Thanks for the memories Kevin!
Last week Paul and
Diana celebrated her birthday and their third wedding anniversary. They’re creating such a beautiful family.
Behold our assigned
car - a Toyota Corolla hybrid.
Our apartment
received two parking slots – one behind the other. Serving in the legal office produced multiple
challenges and hair-raising situations.
However, our biggest stress to date has been DRIVING!!!
Rick did well in the church parking lot considering the driver’s perception is completely different from the right side of the car. The counsel from seasoned missionaries, “Stay left and always look right.” Left turns are the easiest, except we continually drive over curbs. We constantly turn on the windshield wipes when we really intend to signal a turn or lane change. I feel much like a 16 year old learning to drive – no talking or listening to music – total concentration is required to manage a vehicle from an unfamiliar side of the car.
Note the large GPS
system. Our survival on the motorway
depends on our adherence to her every direction. It takes two to drive, one to navigate and
one to man the wheel. As the passenger,
I’ve frequently pressed my foot to the floor on that imaginary brake, where
could it be? Also, the rearview mirror
doesn’t benefit the left side of the car.
I constantly search for it to view what’s coming from behind.
We are improving.
Fajeo, an
interesting fruit currently in season.
The taste is both sweet and sour.
It’s easiest to cut the bulb in half and use a spoon to scoop out the
meaty center.
Elephant Ears – a different offering at most outdoor markets.
I’ve not tried one
yet. It resembles fry bread with savory
toppings – maybe a cross between Navajo tacos and pita pockets.
Paul closed the office last Thursday
afternoon and took everyone to the New Zealand Temple in Hamilton. The drive from Auckland is about two
hours. In fact, we passed the rising
Auckland Temple as we drove out of town.
Paul and Irene on the left, The MacLennans stand in the back and towering on the right is Jenna Crowther, our BYU Law School intern for six weeks. She’s been marvelous and enjoys hanging with old people.
The temple was remodeled in
2022. I love the simplicity inside and
out. I couldn’t resist snapping photos
as we left.
The temple president welcomes senior
missionaries as shift workers. I’m
currently weighing my workload to see if I could leave one afternoon each
week. I need a few others to join as we
could share driving duties, especially during the dark winter hours. That’s nearly four hours on the road (to and
from) and I don’t want to do that alone.
Paul shared this treasure from
December. I can’t wait to see the
holiday decorations.
Going – Super Sid – passed away last week.
He is revered in New Zealand as one of the greatest rugby players
ever. He interrupted his budding career
to serve a mission and then returned to the pros. New Zealand changed their Pro Rugby games
from Sunday to Saturday because Sid wouldn’t play on Sunday. He and his wife later served a mission in Australia
and then as temple president and matron in the Hamilton New Zealand Temple.
Check out his story: