Sunday, November 29, 2015

Laundry in China

This is our balcony.  It also serves as the clothes dryer.  Laundry is now an intensive labor that takes a chunk of time a few days each week.

The piece of PVC pipe we found in the bathroom was more effective as a laundry prop.  It is the only way I can reach the hanging clothes wires outside.

The foldable drying rack has been a substantial time saver.

This clothes pin contraption is perfect for socks. 

Rick is very thorough at sweeping and mopping the floors.

The kitchen sink sprays (all over the kitchen) only cold water.  We boil water to rinse the dishes.  Rick is a great help with this task also.  (Note the washing machine in the background.)

Our consolidated kitchen is smaller than the bathroom.  The tiny washing machine is also in this room.  I can reach the fridge, hot plate, microwave, and sink without leaving my seat.  Is that efficiency or insanity??

Note the exposed electrical wiring.  No, I’m not at all concerned.  All of China is wired the same way.  Remember how much they like fireworks?  We could all be part of the show at any time.  The thought is electrifying!!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, this is Lucy (I used the alias of Jean for a blog I used to do with one of my Daughter-in-laws)
    Your kitchen in China reminds me of mine in the RV. There are advantages of being in small places. You are lucky to have a washing machine. I love all your creative ways to dry your clothes.
    Congratulations on getting to the top of Mt. Tai...what a lot of stairs AND what a lot of people! I'm glad you are getting out to see the sights there in China. I had no idea the air pollution was so bad there (loved the 2 pictures of the stadium--the professional and then's amazing what can be done with some photoshopping!) Keep on posting. It's fun to read and see what you are doing. And I love that you use the phrase "next time" sounds like this will not be your only experience in China.
