Friday, June 14, 2024


June 16, 2024

The Office of General Counsel

Konrad’s beautiful family celebrates Clara’s first birthday and Kaci’s fourth this month.  Konrad and Chalese celebrated 10 years of marriage in May and Han’s 7th birthday in July.  We miss these landmark events but relish the chance to talk each week. 

Always studious, Rick works at his desk.

The sign guided us to our own office on day one as we climbed to the third floor of the area office building.

Rick easily navigates three screens.  He works for hours at a time without a break.  The Communications missionaries work in portals outside our office.  One sister comments if she ever sees Rick, “Look, he emerges and actually lives.”  We serve with so many delightful people. 


I also enjoy the three screens.  Monitoring all this seemed chaotic at first, now I enjoy easy access to several topics at once.

My desk truly “elevates” me.  By midafternoon I’m tired of sitting.  Pushing the magic button raises my perspective and allows for a new position and stretching opportunities.

Gina Truman, a good friend to Jennifer Stevenson, serves in the legal office, teaches institute, helps with the young missionaries, serves on the communications team, and works with the YSA ward.  Rick feels she's much too young to be considered a senior missionary.  I enjoy talking with someone from “home”.  She does EVERYTHING.  We love her!

Ruby is certainly our office “jewel”.  We call on her for all things related to tech, travel, schedules, life in Auckland, and much more.  She runs the entire show.

BYU interns.  Ezra works with the communications team.  His tech skills alone prove his worth.  Jenna just finished year one of Law School.  She returns home Friday.  Wow, those five weeks disappeared quickly.  We value the youthful spirit they bring to the 3rd floor.

Kelley and Vic Saunders complete their mission in July.  He’s a radio guy with a booming voice.  Their “open office” allows his lively speech to carry throughout the floor.  I must close our office door when we have meetings online to block his penetrating, deep voice.  He makes me laugh so hard I cry.  His Scottish accent starts the day right.  He imitates voices of all the prophets.  It seems a bit irreverent, but I enjoy laughing with Vic.  We’ll miss them terribly.  Our floor will become so quiet.

The Pacific Area couldn’t survive without Pam and Ben Tanner on the communications team.  They don’t say much, they just work hard and make all of us look good.

I didn’t include pictures of Elder and Sister MacLennan or Paul Rytting.  The legal office enjoys multiple gatherings, so I’ve posted their photos in the past.  I hope to post more in the future.

Devonport – beautiful, quaint homes line the street facing the harbor.

The ferry wharf is here.  We enjoy walking through this delightful town which is a 15-minute drive from our apartment in Takapuna.

Most of the homes resemble a step back in time.  The business district has small shops, restaurants, and several second-hand stores. 

Rick stands on the Devonport walkway with Auckland in the background.

I’m posting a little earlier this week.  We leave for Kiribati in the morning.  That experience will appear in the future.



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