Thursday, January 28, 2016


We are members of the China Central Independent District (CCID).  The district encompasses all members throughout China who are living in areas without established branches.  This branch does not include Chinese nationals,  they must attend branches or groups designs especially for the Chinese.  Our group size varies from week to week.  There are five BYU CTP couples that are the base of our Jinan group.  This is a virtual branch which means we all connect together through Skype or phone.  Sacrament meeting is first, followed by a roll call of 30 different groups.  Then, Gospel Doctrine class in held the second and fourth Sundays and Relief Society/Priesthood Meeting classes are the first and third Sundays.

This was the largest group we have had in our Sunday meetings.  Eighteen people met together.  It felt so big!  The Ballentines (BYU CTP directors) were visiting as well as two young couples from Weihai.

This visiting couple was happy to see Richard Gordon, her institute teacher at USU.  It’s a small world after all.

Lulu is our youngest member.  She is a medical student from South Africa.

We meet in an apartment on the 7th floor of the Hanlin Hotel.  This is where the Shandong Normal University teachers from BYU live.  

Following our meetings, we enjoy a pot luck dinner!

Some members pass through Jinan to visit family or work and join us on Sunday.  All are welcome.  Children are especially refreshing visitors.  They receive so much attention when they are in our group, I hope they don’t feel slighted when returning to regular Primary classes.

Each week we rotate food assignments and so enjoy this casual time together.  

Lulu’s last Sunday.  She is an SDU medical student returning to her home in South Africa for additional clinical training.  We will miss her.  Guenther was working in town also. (back row right)
We receive an email from our Branch President every week.  It also includes a short bio on those who will be speaking in church each Sunday.  Rick is the second counselor and has yet to meet the Branch President or First Counselor in person.  His meetings are held via Skype.  He has also “attended” several training meetings and branch council held in the same fashion.  It all works!  Serving the flock has its joys and challenges everywhere in the world.

CCID has been a delightful experience.  I am much more attentive during the sacrament and appreciate the privilege of worshiping in China.

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